Relay Medical (RYMDF) Announces Cybeats Now Supports Android Operating Systems

What is Going on with RYMDF? Relay Medical Corp. ( RYMDF ) has announced that its Cybeats cybersecurity platform now supports Android operating systems for Internet of Things devices, and a wide range of Linux systems. This is important as there is estimated to be over 10 billion Internet of Things devices today, with over 25 billion projected within the next decade. Cybeats’ cybersecurity micro agent has been successfully installed on Android devices for first responders, airports, and in corporate and special event settings. What This Means for RYMDF? By including Android device support within the Cybeats cybersecurity platform, Relay Medical Corp. has significantly expanded is addressable market and has established its platform as one of the few cybersecurity solutions to service the dominant operating system. Yoav Raiter, CEO of Relay Medical Corp., states , “Manufacturers across IoT industries are scrambling to find solutions to protect themselves and meet the increasing regulatory demand. We are happy to be one of few solutions available to support developers across advanced operating systems,” and, “The future is connected, and Cybeats offers one of a kind protection for all of the complex operating systems through an agent with a fraction of the operating footprint." RYMDF has a Short-Term Technical Rank of 21. Find out what this means to you and get the rest of the rankings on RYMDF! See Full RYMDF Stock Report