InvestorsObserver is giving HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd (HIVE) an Analyst Rating Rank of 63, meaning HIVE is ranked higher by analysts than 63% of stocks. The average price target for HIVE is $3.483 and analyst’s rate the stock as a Strong Buy. Wall Street analysts are rating HIVE a Strong Buy today. Find out what this means to you and get the rest of the rankings on HIVE! See Full HIVE Report Why are Analyst Ratings Important? Analysts know the inner workings of the companies they follow better than anyone but the companies’ management. You can learn a lot about a company from studying the financial statements, but analysts ask questions on conference calls and understand the intricacies of each of the businesses they cover. Analysts understand how bad weather in one part of the world can disrupt supply chains, or disrupt shopping patterns. This lets traders make decisions before a quarterly report that could be worse than expected. InvestorsObserver aggregates the ratings of all the analysts covering a given stock, takes the average of those ratings and then percentile ranks the averages. That provides a level of granularity that is significantly better than just the three levels provided by traditional buy/hold/sell ratings. What's Happening With HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd Stock Today? HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd (HIVE) stock is trading at $1.87 as of 10:08 AM on Tuesday, Apr 12, a gain of $0.08, or 4.19% from the previous closing price of $1.79. The stock has traded between $1.81 and $1.88 so far today. Volume today is light. So far 590,905 shares have traded compared to average volume of 7,574,087 shares. Click Here to get the full Stock Report for HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd stock.
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