InvestorsObserver gives Crypto.com Coin a strong short-term technical score of 94 from its analysis. The proprietary scoring system considers the token's trading history over the past month to determine the strength of its short-term technicals. CRO has currently traded better than 94% of tokens based on these metrics. Investors focused on healthy recent trading patterns should find the short-term technical ranking system more relevant when making investment decisions. InvestorsObserver is giving Crypto.com Coin a 94 Short-Term Technical Rank. Find out what this means to you and get the rest of the rankings on Crypto.com Coin! See Full Report Trading Analysis Crypto.com Coin is $0.55 (276.17%) above its 30-day low of $0.20 while -$0.23 (-23.42%) below its 30-day high of $0.97. In addition, CRO's current price of $0.74 is above its 30-day moving average price of $0.51, leading to its a strong short-term technical score. Overall the recent trading history of Crypto.com Coin suggest that investors are bullish on the token at the moment. CRO has a high market cap compared to the majority of tokens with a total market value of $18,763,287,189.42. Crypto.com Coin's market value is relatively high since the largest 100 cryptos have a market cap above $1 billion and CRO meets that criteria. Crypto.com Coin's average volume is high as $3,690,124,354.00 worth of the token is typically traded over a 24 hour period. The cryptos volume is relatively high due to the most traded 100 cryptos typically having $100 million worth of the crypto traded over a 24 hour period. Over the past 24 hours CRO's volume is below its average with $563,439,203.08 exchanged. Crypto.com Coin's subclass Payment Tokens: A token used as a form of payment for goods and services either in or outside of the crypto ecosystem. Often used as payment for services in a particular blockchain environment. Summary Crypto.com Coin's price movement over the past month has led to a a strong short-term technical score due to recent trading giving more bullish signals for traders on the token's short-term movement. Click Here to get the full Report on Crypto.com Coin (CRO).
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