Cratos ( CRTS ) has been relatively average in terms of volatility when compared to other cryptocurrencies. So far Monday, the crypto has advanced 37.91% to $0.0001672327986. InvestorsObserver is giving Cratos a 75 Volatility Rank. Find out what this means to you and get the rest of the rankings on Cratos! See Full Report Moderately Volatile InvestorsObserver gives Cratos a moderate volatility rank of 75, placing it in the top 25% of cryptos on the market. The Volatility Gauge tracks meaning that one day won't make or break its rank. CRTS's moderate volatility reading is paired with a low reading on the Risk/Reward Gauge, meaning that the token has moderate price swings and is well protected from price manipulation. Cratos price is trading above resistance. With support set at $0.000104437309030209 and resistance set at $0.000153329117576823. This leaves Cratos out of range and potentially in a volatile position if the rally burns out. What is a Token? Tokens are digital assets that exist on another cryptocurrency's blockchain.
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